Monday, July 12, 2010

People you like

You know that warm happy feeling you get when you like someone. Well the feeling you get when your around the person you like and realize that they are never going to like you as anything but a friend. That feeling is is cold, sad, and depressing because you know that they will never like you in that way even though that's how you like them. And of course your friends so you are always around that one person that can make you laugh and turn your day from bad to good but then unknowing crush it again. That person you like is your best friend and nothing more. That is not a good feeling to wake up to. Even if you have known for awhile that sad, cold, depressing feeling still wakes you up and ruins your day. :( These are things everyone goes through everyday and yet the other person is too oblivious to figure out whats wrong.

Tell It Like It Is!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We all have problems for most of us our problems are with our parents. All most all parents disagree with how we dress, talk,the music we listen to, and who we hang out with. If you stop and think most of our parents did not get along with their parents ether. So why do they get so mad when we disagree with them the same way they did with their own parents. I find this to be wrong and some what of a double standard. I mean why should we be punished for doing what they did to their parents. The way I see it they should cut us some slake we are just following the latest trends. Witch is the same thing our parents did when they were our age. So parents tone down the rules when it comes to the latest trends. And teens don't go out of your way to piss off your parents.

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People question the dance moves of my generation. They say there to suggestive. I say there dance moves get over it. We dance like that to look hot. We choose the way we dance. If you were our age now you would understand the reasons for why we dance in the way we do.You would understand the pressure we are under to look, dress,and dance hot. But the truth is you will never be our age again so most of you will never understand why we dance the way we dance. So go ahead say our dancing is sugestive or what ever else you think of it because it won't stop us from dancing how we want. My advice if you don't like it don't watch.